When the desire to be on fire for Jesus is a living hell
“Is there a God for those who are not changing anything but diapers? Is there a God for those who simply love their spouse and pour out rarely appreciated affection on their children day after day? Is there a God for the mom who spends what feels like God-forsaken days changing diapers and slicing up hot dogs? Is there a God for the man who hammers out a day’s work in obscurity for the love of his wife and kids? Day-laborers who would look at a missions trip to Romania like it was an unimaginable vacation?... The question stretches out into the pew where it steals away into suburban homes and places of work and various schools. It breaks into bedrooms and boardrooms... Is there a God who makes sense of the life lived between the seismic and the extraordinary? Is there a God for the meantime? …I think there is."
The Trinity is not a Mere Concept, Idea or Formula or Code to be Cracked
Questions we asked Dr. Sonderegger
1. What did God’s internal relationship look like as Father, Son and Spirit BEFORE anything was ever created?
2. Does understanding their pre-creation relationship explain why the Son was sent by the Father instead of the Son sending the Father to be incarnate and save us?
3. Explain Eternal generation and Is Eternal generation still happening?
4. Was creation some kind of overflow or byproduct of God’s internal relationship as Father, Son and Spirit?
The question stretches out into the pew where it steals away into suburban homes, places of work, seminaries and wreaks havoc in bedrooms and boardrooms
Is there a God for those who are not changing anything but diapers? Is there a God for those who simply love their spouse and pour out rarely appreciated affection on their children day after day? Is there a God for the mom who spends what feels like God-forsaken days changing diapers and slicing up hot dogs? Is there a God for the man who hammers out a day’s work in obscurity for the love of his wife and kids? Day-laborers who would look at a missions trip to Romania like it was an unimaginable vacation?... The question stretches out into the pew where it steals away into suburban homes and places of work and various schools. It breaks into bedrooms and boardrooms... Is there a God who makes sense of the life lived between the seismic and the extraordinary?
The Moral Life of the Gospel in Contemporary Context
Dr. Ross Hastings is a pure and utter delight and a fount of wisdom - a medium for compelling truth for the Christian just trying to make it through the day. Bombarded with temptations from within and without, how do we actually wage war, how do we “by the Spirit put to death the deeds of the flesh”, and is this moral battle itself the telos and goal of the lived-Christian-life? What is participation and what does the Trinity have to do with ethics, making good choices and being a better dad neighbor?
"Making lay people more thoroughly Christian in their everyday lives and their secular careers"
In the late 1960s and on into the next decade, Francis Schaeffer regularly received requests from evangelicals across North America seeking his help to replicate his innovative learning community, L'Abri, within their own contexts. At the same time, an innovative school called Regent College had started up in Vancouver, British Columbia, led by James Houston and offering serious theological education for laypeople. Before long, numerous admirers and attendees of L'Abri and of Regent had launched Christian "study centers" of their own...
Interview with James DeJong
What is the “Gospel” and what practical implications does the Gospel make in my everyday life? The “gospel” is the good news that life in all its dimensions is good, beautiful, meaningful and enormously satisfying when lived in fellowship the Lord Jesus and his committed followers. What is “sin” and...
Interview with Trevin Wax
The gospel is good news – a royal announcement that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God. He lived a perfect life in our place, died on the cross for our sins, was raised to launch God’s new creation, and is now exalted as King of the world. This...
Interview with John Frame
What is the “Gospel” and what practical implications does the Gospel make in my everyday life? The Gospel is the good news that God, the sovereign creator of all, sent his Son Jesus to die and rise again, to destroy sin and all its effects. God has ordained that those...
Interview with Sam Storms
What is the “Gospel” and what practical implications does the Gospel make in my everyday life? I believe the Gospel is the gloriously good news, indeed the very best news, that God has graciously done everything necessary, at great sacrifice to himself, through the sinless life, penal substitutionary and sacrificial...