Rev. Daniel R. Hyde (“Pastor Danny”) is pastor at Oceanside United Reformed Church and blogs at He is a SoCal native and has an eclectic past that has prepared him to minister in the diverse religious culture of Southern California. He was born in Long Beach and baptized in the Roman Catholic Church. He spent his early childhood in Cypress, during which time his father was converted through Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. After moving to Redondo Beach and experiencing a broken family, he was invited to Hope Chapel Hermosa Beach (Foursquare Church) when he was 17 and was converted. After graduating from Redondo Union High School he attended Southern California College/Vanguard University (Assemblies of God) on a basketball scholarship. It was during this time that he became disillusioned as a believer leading him on a two-year journey exploring Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism as well as the cults such as Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses. All the while he youth pastored at a non-denominational Pentecostal church. Pastor Danny discovered the riches of the historic Protestant and Reformed Christian faith after meeting a classmate who introduced him to The White Horse Inn radio broadcast and through a theology professor, who started giving him books by Luther, Calvin, and others.
Listen in as we interview Pastor/Scholar Danny Hyde, author of over 20 books, and discuss how Christians are often weary from thinking they always need to be “doing stuff” to impress Jesus and to “stay saved” rather than resting in Christ and His finished work on our behalf. Pastor Danny takes us through the history of Western Christianity’s decay into self-centered pietism, and lost sight of the historical and longstanding Christian saints who have gone before us – especially that of the Reformers and the early Church, welding for the glory of God and contrasting a modern evangelical Church service in contrast to a Reformed service.
Specific questions and responses:
2:45 If you could tell all Christians just one thing what would it be?
6:28 Would you say the Church has been looking at the believer saying “What do you have to offer?”
8:11 For so long I felt like I had a 2 billion dollar debt, and Jesus paid it all and brought it to $0, but I felt everyday I had to “deposit” money in my account via a “quiet time” to have a positive balance and to try to make God like me more and sort of “pay Him back”…?
10:29 Can you speak to the “active obedience of Christ” and how we as Christians can rest in Jesus’, and not my own, accomplishments?
12:56 What about those of us who have the desire to love God with all our heart, soul and mind? The desire is there for so many people to be concerned with the things of God, and that’s why Christian’s often busy themselves with Christian “activity” in an attempt to show God “We mean business” and that we really are committed to “living out” the Christian life. The problem is that many weary Christians just don’t know how to express devotion while at the same time resting in Christ. Can you touch on this?
16:03 How can a welder be a Christian welder?
19:00 Can we really say that, yes, right now, the creator, God over all is actually concerned with the vocation and act of welding?
21:42 My dad likes to restore old gas pumps, what can he, and welders, and the “normal” Christian workers of the world tell themselves as they are doing their trade? What theological truth or one liner can they rehearse to themselves in the midst of the “ordinary” work?
24:44 Why arent we, who are growing up in Calvary Chapels and 4 Square churches, hearing these truths that you are sharing that are so known in the Reformation? Can you tell us how we arrived at this place where the sum of our faith is pretty much “turn or burn”?
29:27 The integration of our Christianity with our daily lives is, as you share, fundamental… Can you tell us about your own journey of arriving here?
34:23 Can you unpack what you mean when you say that the Reformed faith is a “catholic”/universal faith? And are you really so arrogant to think that you, and the Reformers, have the “original” and ancient Church?
38:18 Greg Laurie and Billy Graham would probably say “we too are part of the original and ancient Christian Church”. In what way are those guys “barnacles” on the Oceanside pier?
45:50 Do the truths of TULIP reach back before John Calvin and the Reformers or is only a product of the Synod of Dort?
51:20 Why does it matter what the Reformers and the ancient Church believed?
58:24 For those hearing this interview who are happy members of a non-Reformed church, should they leave their church and find a Reformed Church, or should they pick up some resources you might suggest?
Christ and Culture is the English translation of Schilder’s Christus en Cultuur. The original version of this publication was issued in 1932 under the title “Jezus Christus en het cultuurleven”: it was included in Jezus Christus en het menschenleven, a collection of contributions by various authors. In 1947 it was published separately as Christus en Cultuur: a reprint followed... Who was Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte (born in 1811 in the Netherlands?). Van Raalte was a pillar in the Afscheiding, sat under Groen van Prinsterer, was always running from the law, wrote letters to Abraham Kuyper to not over-work (which council Kuyper failed to apply), led the emigrations to...
The Piety of a Normal Job & the Process to Arrive There
“How can I pick the right job?” Actually, you don't need to choose a job that's "perfect for you." But you do need to be productive in ways that honor God in your work life. Here's a better question: As a believer, how can I determine what I am supposed...