Always keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, crucified, risen from the dead. Consciously rely on the promised aid of the Holy Spirit. Don’t be imprisoned by past failure and in that sense forget what is behind but press on toward the mark of your high calling in Christ. There are obligations in the covenant – the righteousness of the law is to be filled in those who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit (Rom 8:4). So we need teaching on this. In other words, the whole counsel of God needs to be covered in local churches. Utilising the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly would be very helpful.
Rowland Ward born in Melbourne, Australia in 1945, is a lecturer in Church History and Research Lecturer at Presbyterian Theological College, Melbourne, and minister of the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia. One of his favorite movies is the Sharp series set during the Napoleonic wars, he has a Shetland Sheep dog named Bonnie, his favorite smell is not coffee but fresh bread from the oven, his first job after leaving school, and before Seminary in the 1970s in Scotland, was a general insurance officer in Melbourne, and when not engaged in Spiritual disciplines he enjoys family history research.