George Harinck has been accurately called "the treasurer of the heritage of neo-Calvinism." He is director of The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute (NRI) and professor of history at the Free University in Amsterdam. He studied history at Leiden in 1993 and obtained his doctorate from the Free University in Amsterdam. From 2003 he was the professor of history at the ADC chair at the Theological University in Kampen. In 2001, he was a visiting scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary, USA. He is the host of the 4-part documentary of Abraham Kuyper's USA travels "Varia Americana" as well as an eight-part documentary on Kuyper’s journey into the Mediterranean Islamic world "Around the Old World Sea." Dr. Harinck tweets (mostly in Dutch) at @georgeharinck.
Minus the bit about charismaticism (because to the contrary of the sentiment expressed, the distinctive confessionally Reformed spirituality is richer and more biblical than any other and must be recovered, not traded-in for or blended with the fundamentally flawed beliefs of Pentecostalism/charismaticism)… that was a great start to the series!
Looking forward to Harinck’s article too.