Sam Storms born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, is a scholar/author and Senior Pastor at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City. His favorite movie is Field of Dreams, his favorite smell is fried okra, his first job was working construction in Duncan, Oklahoma and when not engaged in academic rigor he enjoys reading, writing, movies, and baseball.. You can listen to his sermons here, and read his blog here.
Join us as we sit down with Reformed scholar/pastor/theologian, Sam Storms, who believes the Spiritual Gifts are still alive and that the church desperately needs the power of God.
Sam Storms is a Reformed Pastor who speaks in tongues, has had visions, has seen healings, has heard prophetic utterances and is convinced the Bible teaches that the spiritual gifts have not ceased and reminds Christians that we are commanded to pursue them.
Be sure to scroll down to see the Sam Storms book giveaway!
Specific questions and responses:
1:10 What was your first job?
6:30 Why do you care about the Spiritual gifts?
10:47Jesus’ mission was to save the world, He needed the Spirit for His task, but I just build pumps and make cappuccinos… Do I need the Spirit for those tasks, or when I’m driving to work? Cant I have joy without the Spirit? Can I love my wife?
13:58Ok, maybe the Spirit helps me to love people, maybe it’s really the Spirit when I’m joyful… But, aren’t the gifts of the Spirit separate from that weren’t the gifts just something Jesus needed so he could jumpstart the Church, and so he just gave everybody these gifts for a little while? Can’t we just separate the Spiritual gifts as a temporary phenomenon used to initially establish the Church?
16:17In Ephesians 5 it talks about Christ ascending and giving gifts to people. One of the gifts it talks about is giving the gift of the office of “prophet”, and it seems to say in the text that these were given “until we come to maturity…” Can you speak to that?
18:56We always hear these miracle stories of the arm growing out, or the young girl from California all of a sudden speaking Arabic, etc. I always hear these stories (I have even heard one of your own stories, of a vision that you had and then the next day someone confirmed that to you)… I have prayed for hundreds of people, all across the globe to be healed, and restored and have never seen one thing happen as a result. And so it’s not that I don’t believe, it’s just that I gave up. It wasn’t working. How then are people who do believe the gifts are still for our time, proceed with walking in the gifts in their day to day life? And how do we continue on when we never ever see any results?
25:42 I was always open to the gifts of the Spirit, but I rationalized it away because, at the root, listening to some people babel in “tongues” was just annoying. Can you speak to the fact that, at the end of the day, the gifts of tongues is just weird, and how do we cope with that?
29:41Ok Sam, there’s no verses that say the gifts would cease, tell me then, what is happening? Will you tell us what happens internally with you when you speak in tongues?
34:09One time a bunch of people gathered around me, laid hands on me, began speaking in tongues and started praying that I would too. I was losing my mind, but decided to wait and see if in fact I would too. I waited, waited longer, and then alas, nothing. Nothing happened. But, I was very much willing! Another time I needed to make an important decision, I was alone, and I thought “maybe I’ll try to pray in tongues’ ‘, so I started making noises. I have no idea if I was speaking in tongues, faking tongues, or what… And if I was faking tongues, was God mad at me? All that to say, how can we know what is real and not?
39:39How can someone who, by default is weirded out by tongues, actually take steps to “try” speaking in tongues? How do we encourage someone to take those steps – especially when nobody wants to be a faker, and how can we know if we are faking it or not?
42:40 Can you string together for us the gifts of the Spirit as they flow from/through the Trinity… as far as who does what? If we reject the gifts are we rejecting Jesus (because it’s often like “the Spirit is the weird one”)?
48:20We are told to “be filled with the Spirit”, but, how does one get filled with the Spirit?
Thank you very much for adding to my growing reading and listening dialog with Pastor Sam around the ministries of the Holy Spirit. Like many others, I would love to talk face to face with him and so much appreciate his books and website.
Really hes such a blessing to the Church. Happy that you have gleaned from him! Be sure to share this post because we still have one more book of his to giveaway!!!
4 years ago
It’s TONGUES, not tounges.
It’s SEPARATE, not seperate.
It’s BABBLE, not babel.
Weirded, not weired.
Also: gathered, confirmed.
Sorry, but I must be the spelling police… I won’t mention all the missing apostrophes, so I don’t seem too imposing.
This is such an important topic, and I think it’s best to present it in a way that inspires credibility.
I know I know, Im terrible at grammer and such. That said, this thing is a labor of love. Its just me. If someone like you who sees the value in these “important topics”, would be willing to let me send you the posts before they go live and they edit them Id be greatful. If not, I guess we will have to muddle through the foolishness knowing that God even uses fools sometimes 😉
That said, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!
Christ and Culture is the English translation of Schilder’s Christus en Cultuur. The original version of this publication was issued in 1932 under the title “Jezus Christus en het cultuurleven”: it was included in Jezus Christus en het menschenleven, a collection of contributions by various authors. In 1947 it was published separately as Christus en Cultuur: a reprint followed... Who was Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte (born in 1811 in the Netherlands?). Van Raalte was a pillar in the Afscheiding, sat under Groen van Prinsterer, was always running from the law, wrote letters to Abraham Kuyper to not over-work (which council Kuyper failed to apply), led the emigrations to...
The Piety of a Normal Job & the Process to Arrive There
“How can I pick the right job?” Actually, you don't need to choose a job that's "perfect for you." But you do need to be productive in ways that honor God in your work life. Here's a better question: As a believer, how can I determine what I am supposed...
Thank you very much for adding to my growing reading and listening dialog with Pastor Sam around the ministries of the Holy Spirit. Like many others, I would love to talk face to face with him and so much appreciate his books and website.
Really hes such a blessing to the Church. Happy that you have gleaned from him! Be sure to share this post because we still have one more book of his to giveaway!!!
It’s TONGUES, not tounges.
It’s SEPARATE, not seperate.
It’s BABBLE, not babel.
Weirded, not weired.
Also: gathered, confirmed.
Sorry, but I must be the spelling police… I won’t mention all the missing apostrophes, so I don’t seem too imposing.
This is such an important topic, and I think it’s best to present it in a way that inspires credibility.
I know I know, Im terrible at grammer and such. That said, this thing is a labor of love. Its just me. If someone like you who sees the value in these “important topics”, would be willing to let me send you the posts before they go live and they edit them Id be greatful. If not, I guess we will have to muddle through the foolishness knowing that God even uses fools sometimes 😉
That said, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!