Marinus De Jong is a pastor in Amsterdam and a researcher at The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute at Theological University Kampen | Utrecht. He's co-host of the Grace in Common podcast and you can follow his Twitter @jmarinusdejong
Marinus De Jong is a pastor in Amsterdam and a researcher at The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute at Theological University Kampen | Utrecht. He's co-host of the Grace in Common podcast and you can follow his Twitter @jmarinusdejong
“The Cultural Mandate” – who said it first? Of course the idea was in there in both Kuyper and Bavinck, but who coined, and helped further nuance, it? Indeed you know and love/hate Kuyper, you are familiar with Bavinck, and you glean from Vos and Berkouwer… but who is Klaas Schilder (1890 – 1952)? Listen in as we are joined with Marinus De Jong, co-editor (along with Richard Mouw and George Harinck) of “The Klaas Schilder Reader: The Essential Theological Writings”, as we discuss this oft-forgotten, yet monumental, second generation Neo-Calvinist.
Fides quaerens intellectum † Faith seeking understanding † Aithfay eekingsay understandingya