Sin is any act, word, or deed that fails to honor and glorify God as the supreme treasure in the universe. What makes sin so sinful is that it fails to recognize, embrace, and give thanks for the most glorious and beautiful being in all the universe. Sin is always an act of idolatry, for in it we seek to find in something else what can only be found in God alone. We sin when we devote our energy and give ourselves to something other than the only person who is immeasurably and infinitely worthy of our complete faith, trust, and love.
My motivation to not sin is that I get God! If it is in his presence that we find the fullness of joy and at his right hand that we experience pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11), my motivation not to sin is so that I might glorify God by enjoying him forever. Sin, therefore, is anytime and in any way that I seek to satisfy my longing for joy and pleasure in anyone or anything other than God.
Sam Storms born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, is a scholar/author and Senior Pastor at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City. His favorite movie is Field of Dreams, his favorite smell is fried okra, his first job was working construction in Duncan, Oklahoma and when not engaged in academic rigor he enjoys reading, writing, movies, and baseball.. You can listen to his sermons here, and read his blog here.